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What does H07V-K mean?

The abbreviation H07V-K is a so called type code. It provides information about the cable type, its fabrication and the conductor’s maximum nominal voltage. So the type code is a suitable indication for choosing the proper cable for your application.
The letter “H” specifies that the single core H07VK is a harmonised line. The alternative would be the code “A” for “nationally recognised” line.
The following number indicates the nominal voltage: 07 is the code for a nominal voltage of 450/750V. The next abbreviation tells you about the core insulation material. “V” is the code letter for the material polyvinyl chloride, in short: PVC.
The last abbreviation defines the conductor type: from single-wire (U) to fine-stranded (K, F), tinsel conductor (Y) or oil-resistant (O). The cable H07V-K with the additional “K” is therefore fine-stranded.

Differences between H07V-K 1x1.5, H07V-K 1x2.5 and H07V-K 1x0.75? An example of the type code

The type code can be supplemented by more information by way of numbers such as H07V-K 1x1.5, H07V-K 1x2.5 and H07V-K 1x4. The first number indicates the strand count. Looking at the single cores H07V-K 1x1.5, H07V-K 1x2.5 and H07V-K 1x4, the type code was also complemented by adding the conductor’s cross-section in square millimetres.

H: harmonised line
07: H07V-K current carrying capacity: nominal voltage = 450/750V
V: material for sheath and core insulation = PVC
K: conductor type = fine-stranded, fixed installation
1: strand count
1.5: cross-section of the conductor in mm²

Areas of application for the cable H07V-K

The cable types are often used as wiring lines in signalling equipment, distribution cabinets and other electrical operating resources. In addition, they are used for internal wiring of devices, switchgear and distribution systems. Another area of application of the cable H07V-K is installation in pipes on or under render and in closed installation ducts.

At Faber you can be sure to find single cores H07V-K in a wide range of designs

Thanks to our extensive product portfolio, Faber can provide you with numerous model types of the single core H07V-K sold by the metre; for example H07V-K 1x10 or H07V-K 1x16. Discover our diverse offering of lengths, cross-sections, colours and high quality cable accessories—right here in our online shop! Simply submit your request in digital form or contact our cable experts, who will be happy to advise you on your ideal cable solution.
If you order your H07V-K cables from Faber, you will benefit from a strong partner with extensive know-how, outstanding service dedication and, last but not least, absolutely reliably on-time delivery.

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